
Deliver quality APIs quickly with a 5-point approach to API management

The use of application programming interfaces (APIs) is exploding. Whether your goal is to connect internal systems or create innovative products, APIs are mission-critical.

98% of IT leaders said that APIs are very important for their company’s operations in an independent study (Vanson Bourne). And there could be as much as $1 trillion in total profit up for grabs in the redistribution of revenue across ecosystems (McKinsey).

But while the pressure is on to move fast on this—be careful! Speed should not come at the expense of delivering secure, high-quality APIs. How you design your overall approach to APIs is key to your business balancing both.

So how do you get this balance right from the outset? The right approach—paired with the right solution—will ensure your company can create APIs quickly, and at scale, without introducing security risks.

5-point API strategy infographic

Your 5-point API approach can put your API management in the “agile zone.” But a 5-point approach requires a 5-star solution. webMethods can be the solution that powers your API ambitions.

  • If you need a single API platform, webMethods is an award-winning, unified, enterprise-grade platform. It simplifies IT helping businesses to save resources in terms of training, time and cost.
  • If you need help with API DevOps, webMethods supports the full API lifecycle from design to development. It gives you end-to-end DevOps automation and centralized management of APIs, gateways, microgateways, microservices, and service meshes in the cloud.
  • If you want an open API ecosystem, webMethods is built on open standards, and pre-integrated with common ecosystem tools and technologies.
  • If you need to launch an API marketplace, webMethods has its own Developer Portal for the design and maintenance of an API Marketplace that benefits API providers and application developers alike.
  • If you need lock-tight API security, webMethods comes with advanced user-based security, data validation and masking as well as threat protection and throttling. These are easy to configure via the API Gateway.
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