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                Vodafone Germany

                Building a single source of information with Alfabet 

When Vodafone Germany needed to make sense of its application and IT landscape, it turned to Alfabet. Vodafone provides mobile phone, LTE, 5G, cable internet, landlines, cable TV, and IPTV services in Germany, and serves more than 31 million mobile customers in the country. 

Tracking all its applications and managing an IT portfolio across a complex IT landscape is a challenge. It is also essential to maintain compliance, undertake IT transformation projects, and manage application lifecycles, not to mention staying on top of data governance. This information is critical for a diverse range of roles inside Vodafone Germany including business continuity management, security, compliance officers managing GDPR, enterprise architects, application owners, IT delivery organizations, and even operations teams. 

Hear from Rainer Scheibehenne, Enterprise Architect, Vodafone, about the ways Alfabet improves the internal stakeholder experience and advances his company’s business opportunities.  

What are the main use cases supported with Alfabet? 

The main use cases we are supporting with Alfabet are as follows. So basically, it’s application landscape management, application repository. So we have all the applications of Vodafone Germany in our Alfabet repository and on top we created added value of use cases for compliancy, for transformation projects, for application lifecycle management, and now we are starting maybe also with the data governance topic.  

How does Alfabet improve your End Customer Experience and advance your business opportunities? 

Alfabet improves the customer end experience in providing let’s say, relevant IT information in a central place. So it’s our single source of application information, IT landscape information, and related information. So we not only have applications but also let’s say related to infrastructure, to processes, to organization. And this is for the end customer which are application owners, project leads, architects, whatever, a very good source of information. 

During your journey with Alfabet, what were the challenges? What were the lessons learned? 

Ok, the lessons learned for us in developing and introducing Alfabet is the same as in other companies. So in the beginning, you have to convince the people to document and nobody wants to document application stuff. They have other tasks and you have to convince people and this means, dependent from the culture of a company, without pressure, you have to support the people in consulting, coaching, doing things for them and then it works. And this was a way we have success at Vodafone Germany.  

What are the main target groups consuming data out of Alfabet? 

The main target groups are coming from the use cases we are supporting. So that’s compliancy people like BCM, Security or the GDPR organizations. We have also architects, application owners, IT delivery organizations, and also the colleagues of the operations because we are mapping applications in infrastructure.  

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