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Software AG’s Super iPaaS:  The Leading Enterprise Integration Platform 

Integrate anything. Anywhere. Any way you want. Our Super iPaaS—webMethods + StreamSets—provides app integration, data integration, API integration, B2B integration, and event integration on one unified platform, enabling agility, productivity and governance amidst today’s quickly changing digital landscapes. 


Create incredibly connected customer experiences, employee experiences, and B2B interactions—while minimizing disruption. Our enterprise integration platform supercharges your applications and data across your hybrid environment. You run your business better and capitalize on past, present, and future data, empowering everyone from the Marketing Analyst to the Data Engineer to unlock value.  

Get end-to-end visibility and governance across geographies, IT environments, and complex business ecosystems, with connectivity from on-prem to the cloud, and enterprise-grade security trusted by the most powerful banks, governments, and corporations in the world. 

Key benefits

Work flexibly—and fast  

Use your preferred tooling (online or off, in any cloud or on-premises) to design, develop, and deploy integrations anywhere, without having to build the same thing twice.   

Regain control of your integration landscape  

A single pane of glass lets you monitor, manage and operate integrations, APIs, and data pipelines across complex hybrid, multi-cloud infrastructures.  

Capitalize on past, present, and future data  

Connect any source (apps, APIs, events) to analytics to turn data into decisions, with seamless flows from on-prem to the cloud and back.  

Gain instant productivity with one UI 

Get a unified iPaaS experience across everything to make things easier: users only have to learn a single set of tools; metering and usage reporting are streamlined; and collaboration is built in.  

Make everyone an integration expert 

Create integrations by simply asking a generative AI interface, but manage them from one central place to always shine a light where shadow integrations might otherwise emerge.   

Manage your APIs with control 

Secure your APIs from malicious external attacks, understand API usage with analytics and reporting, and reduce or eliminate the need for unnecessary holes in your firewall.  

Simplify and secure your B2B in the cloud 

An intuitive and user friendly UI makes for fast setup and partner onboarding, greater control and end-to-end visibility of your partner network. Define and store inbound and outbound communication channels to automate and manage your partnerships, and be sure documents are sent and received securely.  

End-to-end platform for resilient data pipelines 

Quickly support diverse lines of business by eliminating data integration friction. Enable innovation across the enterprise with centralized guardrails. Insulate your data pipelines from change and unexpected shifts.  

AI assisted automation of business workflows  

Business experts can create, manage and update their SaaS workflow automations using Natural Language, without any dependence on IT, significantly enhancing productivity.  SaaS providers can embed this smart AI as a bot inside their application to provide automations from within their native app experience.  


Hybrid, multi-cloud integration 

  1. Develop anywhere, deploy anywhere: Design and develop integrations anywhere with your preferred tooling (whether it’s online or offline). And then deploy them anywhere. Eliminate duplicate effort and complicated local configurations, so you can enjoy increased productivity and agility. 
  2. Unified experience across all iPaaS components: Administer and monitor integrations, APIs, and data distributed across hybrid and multi-cloud landscapes for unprecedented visibility and governance. Stop wasting time learning different tools and switching interfaces. A unified experience across APIs, apps, data, B2B, and events increases developer collaboration and productivity. 
  3. Central control, distributed execution: Control a distributed network of integrations running complex business transactions from one place. Eliminate disconnected integration tools that need specialized dev and ops teams. Scale up and down easily to save costs, simplify compliance, and regain control of your integration landscape, driving productivity and governance. 
  4. Flexibility in Runtime Positioning: With our multi-cloud integration product, you have the freedom to position runtimes at the edge or in Software AG Cloud. This flexibility allows you to optimize the performance and latency of your integrations by placing them closer to the data sources or endpoints. Edge runtimes enable faster data processing and reduce reliance on central cloud-only infrastructure, while managed SaaS platforms provide scalability and ease of management. 
  5. Secure Private Link Connectivity: Product ensures secure connectivity between different runtime environments. By utilizing private links, you can establish encrypted connections between integrations running in various environments, such as public clouds, private clouds, or on-premises systems. This level of security prevents unauthorized access and data breaches, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of your business-critical information. 
  6. Granular Control over Integration Execution: Our product empowers you to run entire integrations or specific parts of integrations across different execution runtimes securely. This flexibility allows you to optimize resource utilization and performance based on specific requirements. You can distribute integration tasks to the most suitable runtime environment, ensuring efficient processing and reducing latency. 
  7. Data Control and Governance: You have complete control over the data returned by integrations. This capability is particularly important for organizations dealing with sensitive or regulated data. You can determine what data is returned back, how it’s returned back, implement data masking or redaction techniques, and ensure compliance with privacy regulations. By maintaining control over data, you can mitigate risks and enhance trust with your customers and partners. 
  8. Comprehensive Monitoring and Observability: Our product provides robust monitoring capabilities for all scalable runtimes and integration transactions. You can track performance metrics of each runtime, monitor the health/availability, identify potential bottlenecks or issues. Additionally, observability metrics enable you to gain insights into integration workflows, visualize transaction flows, and troubleshoot any anomalies effectively. This holistic monitoring approach ensures that your integrations are running smoothly and optimally across all endpoints. 
  9. Vendor-agnostic Integration: You are not limited to a single cloud provider. You can seamlessly integrate applications and systems across different cloud environments, including public clouds (such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud) and private clouds. This vendor-agnostic approach gives you the flexibility to choose the best cloud services and platforms based on your specific needs, avoiding vendor lock-in and enabling a multi-cloud strategy. 
  10. Scalability and Elasticity: offers scalability and elasticity, allowing you to handle varying workloads and sudden spikes in demand. You can scale your integration processes horizontally or vertically, ensuring high availability and performance. This scalability ensures that your integrations can handle increased data volumes, user traffic, and transaction loads as your business grows. 
  11. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: By distributing your integrations across multiple cloud environments, you can ensure business continuity even if one cloud provider experiences an outage or disruption. In the event of a failure, the integrations can be automatically routed to a different runtime environment, minimizing downtime and ensuring the uninterrupted flow of data and transactions. 
  12. Cost Optimization: offers cost optimization opportunities by leveraging the most cost-effective runtime environments and cloud resources. Additionally, by running integrations at the edge or utilizing Software AG cloud, you can reduce data transfer time, latency and costs, minimize infrastructure investments, and optimize resource utilization, leading to cost savings. 
  13. Future-proofing: Multi-cloud integration helps future-proof your business by providing flexibility and adaptability to changing technology landscapes. As new cloud providers and services emerge, you can easily integrate them into your existing ecosystem without disrupting your current integrations. This agility ensures that your integration architecture remains flexible and scalable, accommodating future business needs and technological advancements.

Full lifecycle API Management

Manage the entire process of designing, developing, deploying, versioning and retiring APIs. 

  1. API Portal: Publish REST and SOAP APIs. Automatically sync API documentation between your API catalog and developer portal. Collect analytics at the portal to better understand your visitors and your portal usage. See which APIs are popular and which are not. Allow developers to read about, request access to and test your APIs. Allow them to participate in your API community. Deploy the API developer portal in a public cloud, private cloud or in the DMZ. 
  2. API Gateway: Security and authentication: Use policy-driven security to uniformly secure and monitor access to backend services from apps using your APIs. You can support both transport and message-layer security, including authentication, authorization, digital encryption and digital signatures. You can optionally establish DMZ-strength security between consumer apps using your APIs and your internal servers.  Thanks to extensive support for mapping and transformation, your API consumers have flexibility in the protocols, message formats and transports they use. Enable monetization of APIs through enhanced API monetization features, including defining and managing API plans and packages. Define, publish and track usage in support of API subscriptions and charge-back services. 
  3. API Microgateway: Prevent main gateways from overloading and secure and manage your microservices across distributed environments. Benefit from very low runtime footprint and fast startup. Deploy in multiple form factors to support different scalability and management goals. 
  4. API Control Plane: Get a single catalog of all your APIs and gateways along with operational visibility to monitor API behavior with full visibility into data planes, health of the landscape, and API business performance. The API Control plane is a modular, microservices-based architecture, autoscaling ready and multi-tenant by design. It has persona-based dashboards and single, combined and aggregated asset monitoring.

B2B in the cloud

  1. B2B Self-service portal: Internal users can utilize the B2B self-service portal to monitor transactions and look up key business documents (PO’s, Invoices) without the help of B2B specialists. 
  2. Customize document types: Use B2B to quickly customize document types for support of priority partners who create their own versions of document standards. 
  3. Document creation, parsing & validation: Save time with deep out-of-the-box EDI support for UNEDIFACT X12, EANCOM, ODETTE, UCS, VDA and TRADACOMS document types. Document validation helps you assure data accuracy and high quality. Ensure the data you send and receive is correct and reliable and that your documents are delivered and received securely with your trading partners. 
  4. RosettaNet support: B2B provides out-of-the box support for the RosettaNet standard. Expect cloud-automation for partner exchange of supply-chain information in a highly scalable and secure way.

Data Integration

  1. Closed loop of app and data integration: Get value from ALL of your data—past, present and future—with easy connectivity from applications to data analytics, from on prem to the cloud.  
    Access data from sources across the business to make them available on cloud data & analytics platforms. Drive productivity by making your data actionable with a better data integration platform. 
  2. Choose your cloud provider: Flexibly run your data pipelines in any cloud provider or on-premises environment. With infrastructure change management, teams can take full advantage of their preferred cloud platforms or specialized cloud data services that best fit their requirements. 
  3. Central management: StreamSets’ hybrid deployment with centralized engine management, bridges the gap between new and legacy environments easily and securely. With a data “mission control” across all environments, you can easily move between clouds and on-premises. 
  4. Build and deploy resilient data pipelines: Learn once to create many different integration pipelines. StreamSets single user interface provides the functionality to build and deploy repeatable and change-resilient CDC, streaming, ETL, and ELT pipelines for any platform, on-premises or in the cloud.

Generative AI throughout the integration lifecycle

  1. Automate integration using natural language: No IT dependency or learning of any visual coding needed. With its connector-less model, webMethods AI removes the need for configuring connectors. Rely on built-in generative AI to optimize performance. Ramp up productivity by focusing on what you do best and letting your iPaaS do the rest. 
  2. Ask Chat Assistant interface: Simply explain your SaaS automation requirements in an intuitive friendly chat window. Operates like your expert assistant to understand the actions you’d like to perform across different SaaS apps, the conditions that’ll trigger these actions, or other simple business scenarios related to the automation.  
  3. Automated iPaaS: Behind the scenes, it sets up the entire business automation logic as a fully functional software integration while understanding the latest API documentations for each app autonomously. It incorporates testing, error handling, and analytical components to oversee smooth continuously smooth automation execution. 
  4. Test: wMAI will help you test your workflow automation by sharing simple instructions in the chat interface.  
  5. Embedded chatbot: wMAI assistant is available as a chatbot inside SaaS applications from where the end-users of those SaaS apps can directly communicate the prompt. 
  6. Higher observability for IT: For managing cost, uptime, security, and governance through the same AI that delivers analysis and trends data along with optimization suggestions.     
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Integrate anything. Anywhere. Any way you want.
Easily integrate your applications, data, B2B, events and APIs across your entire organization.