MEMORA Processos Inovadores

                    MEMORA Processos Inovadores

Industry: Government, Banking, Public sector


Memora's mission: "Understanding our customers, building and delivering management and IT solution, in a way to help them to achieve their mensurable goals." Memora is a specialist in modeling and optimizing processes using ARIS. In the past 15 years, the firm has developed an integrated solution that's been a great success for our customers, including: 

Brazilian Army

The Brazilian Army aims to achieve a new doctrine by 2022 using technologically advanced defense products, highly trained and motivated professionals. Memora worked closely with the institution to help achieve this goal by adapting the organizational structure, improving the business processes, optimizing the structure of positions and personnel, and releasing personnel for employment in the final activity.

Ministry of Tourism

For this Ministry, Memora used ARIS to implement an enterprise architecture solution. Challenged to create a solution that integrates the business and IT vision, Memora used the platform as an architecture tool to map marketing strategies between a strategy and IT assets with a business process view. Reports were also used as a tool for the analysis of impacts and changes in the IT architecture at a tactical level. 

Ministry of Finance

One initiative of the Ministry of Finance is the Innovation Front, guided by the Offices of Processes and Projects. In the implementation and operation of the Process Office, Memora established the Value Added Chain as a governance instrument, covering the fronts of the PMIMF, namely: strategy, processes and projects (innovation), risks, people, technology, infrastructure and costs. In developing solutions, Memora focused on the dissemination of a process management culture coupled with the values of the Ministry. Economic growth, federal tax collection, reduced litigation, fiscal balance and transparency of public accounts were analyzed. The inclusion of the Brazilian State in the economic scenario, the solidity, balance and efficiency of the markets, the strengthening of foreign trade and the protection of society were included in the evaluation. In the end, 350 processes were documented, 140 were redesigned, and 212 were diagnosed. In addition, 50 staff were trained. Processes were rethought in an integrated way and as a governance tool. 

Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health is an agency of the Federal Executive Branch responsible for the organization and elaboration of plans and public policies aimed at the promotion, prevention and healthcare of Brazilians. In order to fulfill this purpose, the Ministry of Health understood the need for consolidation and to increase capacity to continuously improve and promote innovation. The agency hired Memora to support structuring its Office of Management Projects and Processes called EGPP. Memora also helped the Ministry team analyze and optimize processes for warehousing and the distribution and assistance to lawsuits. Joint process modeling work enabled the agency to identify and realize efficiency gains in the execution of these activities.

Countries Partner Types Product Categories Industries
  • Brazil
  • Implementation Partner
  • Sales Partner
  • IT Transformation
  • Process Transformation
  • Banking
  • Government
  • Public sector


Mauricio Cauville
Channel Manager
Phone: +556139630030
Address: SIG Quadra 04, Lote 625, Parte A · Brasilia, DF - Brazil - ZIP 70.610-440 · Brazil