Nucleus3 Pty

                    Nucleus3 Pty Ltd

Industry: Utilities & Energy & Oil Gas


Nucleus3 has established itself as a highly valued consultancy and systems integrator that assists organizations to drive and deliver operational value across all parts of the business including strategy, implementation and support. 

Nucleus3 is an organization that focuses on delivering the outcomes for asset-centric organizations, predominantly utilities, telecommunications and local councils. 

We provide the flexibility of local, offshore and a blended delivery models that allow our customers to structure their programs of work to meet their timeframes and objectives. 

We have established a strong team of consultants who has extensive industry experience and a strong focus on asset management, regulatory framework, smart grid technologies, business transformation, traditional operational technology and ICT offerings.

As part of our value proposition we have established these core service offerings: 

  • Trusted advisory as a service – provides you with assurance and validation that your outsourcing partners are delivering products and services as per agreed scope and to the quality of expected standards and outcomes 
  • Architecture on demand – enables you to engage in an agile and nimble fashion with our experienced team to assist you to deliver and validate your architecture requirements 
  • Design on request – development and validation of design documentation that aligns with your business strategy and overall ICT objectives 
  • Traditional consultancy – provides proven and experienced capability in generalist roles, such as OT/ICT, including business analysts and  program managers
  • Business readiness - provides a BAU team that gives you the flexibility to build as need while you transition from project to BAU
We understand how to plan, build and run the capability we offer, and we do this with the customer being the number one focus. We aim not to take over but to help customers become accountable and proud of the service they offer to their end customers.
Countries Partner Types Product Categories Industries
  • Australia
  • Implementation Partner
  • Sales Partner
  • Solution Partner
  • Integration and APIs
  • IoT & Analytics
  • Software AG Cloud
  • Utilities & Energy & Oil Gas


Louis Limnios
Managing Director
Phone: +61457965499
Address: Suite 5, 14 Garden Blvd · Dingley VIC 3172 · Australia