Terra Solutions

                    Terra Solutions AG

Industry: Manufacturing


Terra Solutions provides its clients the full spectrum of services to realize a successful transition to state-of-the-art Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)- and Industry 4.0-enabled operations – from initial discussions and consultation to understand a client’s unique pain points and requirements, to solution design, systems integration, deployment and, finally, comprehensive support. Our solutions range from IIoT platforms, gateways/routers and sensors, to remote support/augmented reality (AR)/smart glasses, data science (AI/machine learning) and IoT security technology. 

One of Terra Solutions' key partners is SOFTWARE AG, provider of the industry-leading Cumulocity IoT platform. Terra Solutions is targeting industrial machine manufacturers and providing them cloud, edge and hybrid end-to-end IIoT solutions incorporating Cumulocity IoT as the core element enabling data visualization, predictive maintenance, device management and data analysis/machine learning capabilities.

Countries Partner Types Product Categories Industries
  • Austria
  • Germany
  • Switzerland
  • Implementation Partner
  • Sales Partner
  • IoT & Analytics
  • Manufacturing


Jeff Lamont
Managing Director
eMail: jeff.lamont@terrasolutions.com
Phone: +41 78 797 5359
Address: Seltisbergerstrasse 14 · 4410 Liestal · Switzerland