The API management checkup

The API management chekup

How to use this API management checkup 

If you’re responsible for the APIs in your organization, you’re a big deal. It’s incredibly important, and it’s not always easy. APIs have the potential to unlock new revenue streams and business opportunity – but also can introduce risk if not properly managed. 

Fortunately you don’t have to do it alone. You likely know about – or are using - an API management platform to keep track of your APIs and align them with your goals. However, not all API management platforms are created equal. Every so often, it is helpful to check to see if the platform you are using (or thinking about using) is up to the task of managing APIs in a modern, quickly moving business environment. 

That’s why we have developed this API management checkup – so that you can make sure you have the tools that will keep you and your APIs on top.  

Go through each question and answer it honestly. Count up every box you check, and see how you scored based on the numbers below. 

How did you do? 

60% (10 boxes checked or fewer) - You’re off to a great start with API management, but it looks as if your current API management solution could be falling short, leaving you vulnerable to risks. Consider a complete review of your solution. 

80% (10-15 boxes checked) - You’re doing a great job of managing your APIs, but your solution has some areas that need attention. Addressing these will help you avoid risks and generate better rewards with your APIs.  

100% (16 boxes checked) – Congratulations! It looks like you already have a robust API management platform in place, but there’s always room for improvement.

What's next
Looking for ways to better manage your full API lifecycle? Speak with an expert today.

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