The StreamSets and webMethods platforms have now been acquired by IBM 

                Mainframe integration demos

                Integration made easy—here's how

Integrating your applications, data and mainframe systems with the cloud makes your business more efficient and your enterprise more agile. But where to start?

Our mainframe integration demo series shows how you can easily plan and execute common integration scenarios. Take these quick steps to connect your on-premises and cloud systems to drive innovation.

                Integrate mainframe data

Easily access, virtualize and move your data—wherever it is, however it’s structured—without changing your core systems. Explore how CONNX can help modernize your mainframe data fast.

                    Move VSAM and Db2 data to Snowflake

In this how-to video, discover how you can easily modernize your data warehouse by replicating mainframe data to Snowflake.

                    Move VSAM and Db2 data to Azure SQL

In this how-to video, discover how you can easily replicate mainframe data to Azure SQL using CONNX DataSync.

                    Modernize mainframe data with APIs

In this how-to video, discover how CONNX and webMethods make it fast and easy to modernize mainframe data with API enablement.

                    Create, manage and consume secure APIs

In this how-to video, discover how you can easily modernize your mainframe by creating, managing and consuming secure APIs that enable cloud and web front-ends to access mainframe data.

                API-enable mainframe applications

An API-led approach to connecting critical business applications helps you cost-effectively reuse existing applications and accelerate strategic initiatives. Discover how easy it is with webMethods.

                    A "one-click" approach to API enablement

In this how-to video, discover how to easily provide "one-click" API enablement from existing COBOL, PL1, and Natural Modules to modernize your mainframe applications.

                    Provide APIs through screen capturing

In this how-to video, discover how screen capturing enables you to provide APIs from existing mainframe applications in just a few steps.

                    How to call external APIs

In this how-to video, discover how you can call external APIs, including consuming APIs from existing COBOL, PL1 and Natural Modules in just a few steps.

                    See, decide & act with Software AG

Find out what you can do with our integration solutions