Customer story

Ooredoo Qatar

Process optimization for true operational efficiency

Meet the customer:
Ooredoo Qatar is the country’s leading telecommunications company, with over 1200 employees. Founded in 1987, it was the first operator globally to launch commercial 5G services in Qatar.
  • Lack of centralized process architecture
  • Need to establish end-to-end process visibility and governance
  • Challenges linking KPIs to processes
  • No ability to apply advanced analysis like process simulation
  • Created a framework for a single source of truth across the enterprise
  • Enabled standardized process governance including process workflow approvals
  • Implemented new process tool in under 6 months
  • Increased process mapping efficiency by 25%, reducing errors by 90%
  • Improved stakeholder’s experience through process excellence
  • Established agility through process simulation

“With our powerful process management tool, we’ve increased operational efficiency and enhanced the stakeholder experience. Now we’re using simulation to boost gap analysis capability and continuously improve.”

- Head of Process Management Team, Ooredoo Qatar



Complexity hampering connectivity

As a mature communications services provider with multiple service offering (i.e., mobile, fixed, TV, etc.) catering to a large multinational customer base, Ooredoo Qatar’s internal process architecture is complex by nature and contains interdependencies. Its increasingly sophisticated products and service offerings as well as growing customer demands required seamlessly connected processes. But its process management activities were earlier based entirely on Microsoft® Visio, which lacked the ability to reflect critical operational details, process hierarchy and performance indicator linkage which impeded transparency and true reflection of the operations for the stakeholders as processes. It was time for an overhaul.

High speed process transformation

“We were ready to turbocharge our process architecture and journey. We had a clear vision of where we wanted to be, and we needed a future-proof powerful tool that would help us realize our process management goals, and to realize it fast.” said Head of Process Management Team.

Ooredoo Qatar selected ARIS as their process management tool because it offered all the functionality it was looking for: ease of process modeling, process governance features, process framework with hierarchy embedded, a robust set of features, all operated with a simple GUI—and crucially, compatible with its industry best-practice standard eTOM. As part of the process platform transformation, Ooredoo Qatar, Software AG and Consulta (implementation partner for ARIS), worked together to configure and transfer the entire process architecture to the ARIS suite, which they completed in less than 6 months. Then, using ARIS’s powerful feature set, they embarked on new sophisticated way of process mapping and modeling, establishing process governance through workflows, developing various process object libraries and performance dashboards for company-wide accessibility, and importantly making processes flow and related documents accessible to all stakeholders through a single platform. Detailed customization of tool features and establishing governance automation and hierarchy created a unified matured process architecture on a single platform. The implementation of ARIS platform has catapulted Ooredoo Qatar to the next level in terms of Business Process Management (BPM) maturity—truly one of a kind among regional peers and competition.

Full bandwidth of excellence

Ooredoo Qatar’s new BPM platform has completely altered its process landscape, delivering:

  1. Enhanced operational efficiency: Once established, the platform enabled the process management team to take on roughly 25% more processes for engineering/re-engineering and freed up resource capacity for tackling new and innovative projects. The new ARIS based single source of process repository is hierarchical, detailed, interactive, and has enabled matured process management assets including dozens of interlinked object libraries, 300+ process documents, 500+ KPIs, and 1000+ business rules and controls, as well as multiple user access groups and more than half a dozen governance workflows. Granular process detail and interdependencies are available at the click of a button. Now, the whole organization’s process architecture is well defined according to hierarchy, providing a whole picture view and enabling better decision making.

  2. Excellent internal stakeholder experience: Ooredoo Qatar configured collaborative features within their BPM tool enabled by ARIS along with the process governance mechanism enabled internal stakeholders to easily access the processes, download process documents, view process interdependencies and suggest live changes through governance workflows. The tool experience is more like a social media platform (for e.g. ability to comment, share, tag processes etc.) for stakeholders using the collaboration features of the tool. This also helped them to have a single source of truth for all processes and associated details.

  3. Process intelligence. With its process framework well established, Ooredoo Qatar was able to unlock a new, powerful capability: realistic simulation and analysis of existing business processes to identify the operational bottlenecks and best strategies for improvements. This ability to quickly test and future-proof processes—and envision how much faster and more efficient they could be—gives Ooredoo the agility it needs to meet a rapidly changing market—and ensures continuous process improvement.

Human ingenuity + powerful tools = operational excellence

Ooredoo’s transformation is an impressive example for how advanced BPM tools and the end-to-end visibility they provide can empower human talent to strive to be better. Now, a process “culture” has started to take hold at the company enabling IT and business stakeholders working hand in hand with process team to deliver results and scale excellence. Already, the maturity gains have cemented the company’s position at the top of its industry. The next stop on Ooredoo’s process journey will likely to tap into process mining, enhancing its already impressive process simulation with AI-driven intelligence capabilities. A fitting next step for an organization living up to its motto of “seamless connectivity.”
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