The StreamSets and webMethods platforms have now been acquired by IBM 
Data Integration

Modern and resilient data integration

Use StreamSets to build adaptable data pipelines that drive digital transformation and better cloud analytics.

Unlock data without giving up control
Build data pipelines that are repeatable and automatically adapt to change so you can make fast, reliable data-based decisions. StreamSets rapidly delivers analytics-ready data so you can keep pace with the spike in data demands—across your entire business—with fewer resources. 
Eliminate data integration friction
Learn once to create many different data integration pipelines. StreamSets single user interface provides the functionality to build and deploy batch, streaming, CDC, ETL, and ELT pipelines for any platform, on-premises or in the cloud.
Adapt your data pipelines as data changes
Automatically adjust and respond to changes in data, schema, or infrastructure, ensuring a continuous flow of data. Maintain uninterrupted data movement and prevent disruptions.
Observe and monitor all your data
Get a comprehensive overview of all your data integation pipelines through a single pane of glass so you can make sure everything is working smoothly – and act quickly when it isn’t.
See it for yourself!
Talk to an expert and see how you can eliminate data integration friction, enable innovation and insulate your data pipelines from unexpected shifts.
What makes StreamSets different?

                    Data integration in hybrid environments

Deliver continuous data to smart applications and connect your enterprise end-to-end. Capture the value of data as it moves between on-premises applications, data streams, SaaS applications, legacy data stores and cloud data platforms such as Amazon REDSHIFT®, Databricks and Snowflake.

                    Data pipelines that run anywhere

Run your data pipelines in any cloud provider or on-premises environment with our flexible infrastructure change management. Instead of being tied to past constraints, adjust your compute resources as needed based on what’s best for your use cases right now.

                    Automatically adapts to change 

StreamSets’ resilient pipelines allow you introduce change without worrying about breakage. StreamSets' pipelines proactively adapt to change by monitoring, alerting, and taking prescriptive action to keep your data flowing.

                    Enables innovation with centralized guardrails 

Meet the data integration needs of your end users regardless of their role, faster and with fewer resources. StreamSets Control Hub provides a centralized view of all integration pipelines and shows how systems are connected. You’ll reduce the costs and risks associated with the flow of data across your organization and improve quicker decision-making to stay competitive and keep your business relevant. 

                    Simplifies complex data transformations in Snowflake

StreamSets Transformer for Snowflake simplifies complex data transformations with a drag & drop design canvas and pre-defined processors that meet 99% of analytics requirements out of the box. Transformer for Snowflake eliminates the hassle of moving data outside of Snowflake to perform data transformations and provides push-down processing natively in Snowflake. 

                    Include mainframe data in cloud analytics

Use your most valuable data to increase sales, improve operations, identify fraud, improve reporting and more. Capture mainframe data through a lightweight listener to avoid consuming resources, extend existing security policies, and present data in a relational format that is easily understood and ready to be included in your cloud analytics efforts.  
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Integrate anything. Anywhere. Any way you want.
Easily integrate your applications, data, B2B, events and APIs across your entire organization.
Wait, what's a Super iPaaS?
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